I had a dream this morning and although I don't have time to write it all down, I don't want to forget the key takeaways.
It showed me that the most attractive thing to me that I find in people is their compassion for others. I will always stand with those who choose to see humanity without judgment. It is so hard sometimes, you know, like when anger is justified. But the bottom line is we're all human. Whatever differences there are between us and the horrendous neighbor of ours, we can be thankful for what we have been given in life that helps us act better, do better, live better AND we can acknowledge that other people's actions are evidence that we live in a multifaceted world where people live through extremely different experiences that shape them into who they are. I don't blame you if you won't back the actions of those who take no responsibility for shaping their minds and hearts to do more good in the world, but at least don't be a jerk to those who are simply living disadvantaged lives. Those people who stand out against the crowd and support weaker people are my kind of people.
And second, if you are an open book and someone is seeking out vulnerability from you, be wise. Sometimes that most genuine thing you can give is a statement that says I'm not sure you are worthy of my trust yet. I struggle with a good balance of transparency sometimes. We all want to be seen and known (ideally accepted) for who we really are, right? It feels so good to find emotional safety with people, no? But until you can trust the intentions of someone's heart I wouldn't hand them a book of honesty that can be used for purposes of manipulation and leveraging. I want to help people understand things so that they can love more fully, but not everybody sets there mind to loving others. Some people see every relationship as an opportunity to gain resources for themself.
Anyways, happy humaning! I'd love to hear what your dreams tell you, even if it is just how beautiful flying rainbow koalas would be!
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