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If You Want to Know the Truth...

If you want to know the truth:

I'm pretty sure I'll fail, over and over again.

But I'm going to keep on trying,

Every single time.

My dream isn't to open a studio,

or buy a house,

or make an incredible amount of money.

It isn't even to travel, 

or see the world.

My dream is to be there for my children,

and to provide everything I know they deserve from me.

My dream is to see them flourish.

I'd give anything to make that happen.

I'd devote my whole life to never giving up,

Just to give them a better chance.

If you want to know the truth:

I have more insecurities than confidence.

I think more of you than I'll ever think of me.

 I have days that I talk myself into just taking that next best step.

Sometimes it's a shower,

or a drink of water,

or healthy food.

Sometimes it's a phone call,

or starting a marketing campaign.

Most days it's a nap,

Then getting back up to continue the day,

One more step at a time.

If you want to know the truth:

I don't expect to make a big difference in the world.

But I pray for a big difference to take place in me.

I want to learn, grow, connect,

and understand how to be a better friend.

Every single day.

I'll probably belly flop in life.

I'm okay with that,

As long as I have loved well.

I'd give up just about anything to love well-

One person, one friend, one neighbor at a time.

Belly flops still cause ripples.

If you want to know the truth:

Just ask me anything.

I'm an open book.

I might take my time to formulate my words,

But I'll give you an honest answer.

I'll look deep and fight for the truth to surface.

Other times, words will dance unreservedly off my tongue.

I'm right here.

Try me.

If you want to know the truth:

Seek it out,

Invite it in,

Look deep,

Never settle,

Keep on searching,

Always question,

Start with you,

Look in the mirror of reflecting waters,

The softness of wild streams shapes the planted rock

It refreshes the traveling soul.

Choose your medicine with gladness.

If you want to know the truth,

Find it one courageous and trepidacious step at a time.


  1. Love your work, and your honesty, the humble inherit the earth, and even if we never get to meet up again, I know I will see you again, we still cherish the photos you took of our family in the nature park, love and prayers to you and your beautiful children

    1. Thank you, Heather! I appreciate your kind and encouraging words! <3


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