Well, it's been a hot minute since I've written anything fresh here. While I would love to sprinkle glittery joy all over this piece of writing and take the time to smooth any rough edges that might offend someone and/or give another person any reason to gift me with another label to disqualify anything I say, yeah, that's just not me anymore. Positivity is great. Hope is great. Encouragement is great. Uplifting others is great. There is a time and place for all of that, but there is also a time and a place to sink to the bottom and rediscover a vulnerability that propels you to act in accordance with your genuine self in response to the current situation you are facing. I'm a wordy writer, I know. I wish I was a simpler writer, but life and my thoughts are truly complex and intermingled in depth that is not easily expressed with simple thoughts. So here we go! Today is Christmas 2023. This marks the 10 year anniversary of the hardest and most profound experience I have...
With big dreams and passionately pursuing all that she feels called to, this candid single mother of four children is authentically pursuing knowing herself and how she can make an impact in this great, big, beautiful, and exhausting world through her unique skills and talents.